1.      By becoming a member of the Pool, you certify that you have read and understand our rules and policies, that you agree to abide by them, and that you take responsibility for guests and caregivers understanding and abiding by these rules and policies.

2.      A primary purpose of our rules and policies is to ensure the safety and well-being of all visitors to Casa Solana Pool in addition to their enjoyment of the pool.   The Pool manager and lifeguards on duty are fully authorized to enforce all rules.   The Pool manager and lifeguards on duty have complete discretion to require that all persons on Casa Solana or pool property comply with all rules and policies without exception. Violators are subject to expulsion from the pool and non-renewal of membership privileges.

3.      All persons using the facilities must check-in at the front desk and provide identification to pool staff on duty. Guests must sign-in at the front desk in the presence of the member(s) they are with. 

4.      All persons using the facilities must abide by any and all signage, rules, or notices otherwise posted at the facilities or elsewhere on our website.  Temporary changes to rules and/or policies, as needed, may be made and posted or emailed in communications and announcements to members.   

5.      MEMBERSHIP.  

Casa Solana Pool is a community pool. Membership is open to anyone, but total membership is limited considering the capacity of our facilities and operating expenses. Returning members in good standing are invited by email to register and pay first; then registration is opened to new members as space permits. Those who seek to register after the membership is full may be placed on a waiting list. Registration begins March 1 and continues until the membership is full. The swim season typically runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day. 

Membership is non-transferable and cannot be put on any type of “hiatus.”  Membership fees are non-refundable when the season begins.

6.      GUESTS.   

         For a guest to enter or use the premises, the guest must be accompanied by at least one adult member (at least 21 years old) who sponsors the guest and pays the guest fee. Guests may enter and use the premises if they sign-in at the front desk in the presence of the sponsoring member(s) they are with, and if the sponsoring member(s) pay(s) the guest fees. Guest fees are not accepted from guests. Guests must leave when the sponsoring member(s) leave(s).

         The Pool does not allow guests on some days during the season, such as Sundae Sunday. We will post these dates on the website. Members may bring up to 4 guests at one time.  And members are asked to be considerate of other members in their use or overuse of guest privileges.

7.      CAREGIVERS.   

Members may list and pay for up to two “Caregivers” on their membership application (babysitter, nanny, grandparent, etc.). Our Caregiver Policy is designed to allow an alternate adult to accompany member children to the pool when a parent cannot be present. If a Caregiver is present while a parent is also at the pool, then a guest fee must be paid. Guest fees must be paid for additional children attending with the Caregiver.

8.      No food or drink is allowed on the pool deck, except drinking water. Any drinking water on the pool deck must be in a non-breakable container. GLASS CONTAINERS ARE NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE ON THE PREMISES. Smoking is not allowed on the premises except in the parking lot. No alcohol may be brought on the premises except by a member who is at least 21 years of age. Alcohol cannot be stored or placed in the refrigerators because of minors at the pool. The Pool does not provide plates, napkins, cups, utensils or condiments. Members and guests are required to clean up after themselves. 

9.      No dogs or pets are allowed on the property except legitimately trained service animals with documentation.

10.     All children under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult.  Children under two (2) years of age shall wear disposable waterproof diapers while in the pool. Rubber pants are encouraged. 

11.     No weapons of any kind are permitted on the property. 

12.     Undue rowdiness and abuse of any staff, facility, equipment, furniture, or property cannot be tolerated. Members and their guests must conduct themselves in a courteous manner with consideration for those around them.

13.     The lifeguards on duty must monitor and control behavior in and around the pool for the safety and enjoyment of all persons on the premises, and therefore their instructions and requests must be complied with.

14.     The lifeguards on duty must clear the pool when lightning is visible or if other threatening weather is nearby. The lifeguards and staff on duty make the decision as to when the pool can safely be reopened. If there is prolonged weather delay, the staff may make the decision to close the pool entirely. Inclement weather is beyond our control; therefore, members are not entitled to refunds for lost time due to inclement weather.

15.     There are sometimes emergencies or unexpected maintenance problems beyond the control of the Casa Solana Pool that necessitate closing the pool or altering hours (plumbing, mechanical, electrical issues, etc.). Members are not entitled to refunds as a result of these issues. 

16.     The clubhouse and dining area close when the pool closes. Pool hours may be shortened after school begins. Management may alter pool hours whenever necessary due to staffing, funding, or maintenance issues. Members are not entitled to refunds for changes to pool hours.

17.     The Casa Solana Pool, property, and facilities are owned and managed by the Casa Solana Pool Association for the sole use and enjoyment of members and their guests. The Casa Solana Pool Association is a New Mexico non-profit corporation.  For the long-term protection and maintenance of the property we must take the position that use of the property, including the lot and hillside, by members, non-members and unauthorized persons, is a trespass. The property and facilities are closed to everyone, including members, outside the swim season, unless the clubhouse is rented for a special event.


Family Membership $850   2 parents and their children living in the same household or one parent with more than one child living in the same household
Double $700  2 adults or 1 parent & 1 child living in the same household
Single  $575 One adult
Caregiver$125  This is the fee to add a caregiver to one of the above memberships (up to 2) 

Click here to renew your membership for 2025. 

Or Click Here to be taken to the New Membership Application

© Casa Solana Pool • Santa Fe, NM • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software